The Ultimate Women's Health Workshop:

Uncovering the Secrets to Successful and Sustainable Weight Loss

Join me for this 1-hour workshop where we will unlock the secrets to women's weight loss success in this game-changing workshop, where we'll conquer hormonal hurdles, master mindset, and create a personalised plan for lasting results! 🎉

During this 1-hour free workshop, together we will:

🚺 Understand the unique challenges women face in weight loss and why traditional diets don't work

🩸 Dive into the impact of menstruation & menopause on weight management, and learn strategies to reduce their effects

💤 Uncover the crucial role of lifestyle factors such as sleep, stress, mindset, and movement in weight management

🎯 Develop a personalised weight loss plan tailored to your objectives, lifestyle, and habits

🏃‍♀️ Set realistic goals and learn how to stay motivated throughout your journey

The workshop will take place on

Monday 17th July 2023 at 8pm UK

Hey! Lovely to meet you...

My name is Dr Aishah Iqbal. I know - you're sick of hearing about the next trend that's supposedly going to help you with your weight management.

Nothing seems to work right?!

With extensive experience as a Personal Trainer, Medical Doctor, and Life Coach, I have developed a unique perspective on sustainable weight loss.

No diets, no restriction, no judgement, no misery - I'm here to provide a support and guidance for women at all stages seeking to lose weight naturally and permanently. My approach focuses on educating you about a holistic method that extends far beyond traditional dieting.

If you're ready to make positive changes and need someone who understands the intricacies of psychology and biology to guide you, look no further.

I can't wait to support you on the workshop! See you then!

What Others Say

The 12 weeks I spent working with Aishah changed my whole life. I came to her unhappy, stressed, disliking my body and close to burnout. Never once did she tell me I was hopeless. Never once did she say that I needed to do X or Y. Aishah listened. I mean she REALLY listened. Yes, I weigh a lot less now. But more than that I am HAPPY with myself in many ways. I sleep better, I eat without guilt. Aishah changed my whole life and I will never be able to thank her enough.

Anna, Social Media Manager

The ideas underpinning the programme have been clearly laid out over the first 8 weeks in lectures which are engaging and well presented. By encouraging us to think beyond traditional ideas surrounding weight loss and consider how our thoughts and feelings impact on what we eat, I feel the programme is starting to change how I approach my diet, as well as improving other areas of my life eg my exercise and sleep. Aishah is a really approachable coach and as a fellow medic mum, she really understands the difficulties and is empathetic, positive and patient.

Hannah, Hospital Doctor

I enjoyed my interactions with Aishah, she is kind and positive. Most of all she manages to

pinpoint bottlenecks, and help you find solutions. In this she never makes you feel bad or

unworthy, but rather is a partner at your side, letting you find solutions with the tools you

already have, but weren’t thinking of applying right.

Esther, Midwife

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