Medic Mums weight Loss Academy

With Dr Aishah Iqbal

Empowering medic mums who are ready for change go from feeling tired, fed up and unhappy with their bodies to feeling strong, confident and energetic so they can be active with their children, dress in the clothes they want to wear and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The Medic Mum combo is NOT an easy one...

Juggling childcare, endless laundry and a rota full of testing shifts, it can seem like it's impossible to ever do things for you.

You're tired of being at the bottom of the list but somehow you don't know how to put yourself as a priority. It makes you feel guilty.

You feel like you should be eating better and exercising more, but how?!

You dread putting on the scrub pants incase they don't fit (or worse still, rip!).

Never mind the panic you feel if there's an emergency - you always feel like you need resuscitating yourself after running.

You stare at the clothes in your closet that once-upon-a-time fit perfectly. Now it's baggy t-shirts all day every day.

You're tired of...well feeling tired all the time. Surely this isn't it?! Surely there will be a time when life feels better than this?!

You deserve to feel confident, comfortable and beautiful. Let me help you...

Hi, I’m Dr Aishah Iqbal – doctor, PT, NLP practitioner and weight loss coach. Though, the toughest yet most rewarding job is being a mum to my very active, fiesty and energetic toddler!


I put on over 25kg in my pregnancy, which sadly ended far from the hypnobirthing sanctuary I had hoped for. Let’s just say my initial postpartum period was FAR from what I had imagined.


But… I’ve managed to come out the other side.


I’ve lost my baby weight WITHOUT counting calories, doing intense workouts or missing out on my favourite snacks.


I became my own client and coached myself to a new found healthy, happy place.


Now I want to help you do the same thing. From one medic mum to another – it’s time to take control back and start seeing the strong, beautiful woman that you are!

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:


MMWA is the only program of it's kind designed to empower medic mums who are ready for change go from feeling tired, fed up and unhappy with their bodies to feeling strong, confident and energetic so they can be active with their children, dress in the clothes they want to wear and lead a healthy lifestyle.



Using psychology, neurology and neurolinguistic programming techniques, phase 1 will help you to delve deep into your thoughts and learn how to change your mindset. How to tap into your motivation and deal with limiting beliefs is a core focus in this phase. This is the key to unlocking your weight loss success.


Bringing science, nutrition and behaviour together to help you understand what you need to know about the food that you are eating and the role this plays on weight loss / health. This phase will help you prepare a nutrition plan that works for you and your life to help you hit your goals.


Bringing science, nutrition and behaviour together to help you understand what you need to know about the food that you are eating and the role this plays on weight loss / health. This phase will help you prepare a nutrition plan that works for you and your life to help you hit your goals.

What's Included:


8 Week Intensive Program

The MMWA curriculum is taught over 8 modules that you'll gain access to instantly. You can watch and absorb these at your own leisure through video, audio or transcription.


Unique workbooks and worksheets

The program comes with an array of resources in the form of workbooks and worksheets to help you action and implement the learnings from the program.


Personalised Tracking App

Each member of the program gets access to our private tracking app to enable you with a space to log all your habits and lifestyle metrics.


Weekly Coaching Calls

Every week you'll have access to live coaching calls for as long as you need. These group calls will enable you to access coaching 1:1 and also learn from your fellow medic mums.


Private community

Community is everything! The program comes with a private community space where you can learn and share with fellow medic mums who are on the same journey.


Unlimited lifetime access

MMWA is about supporting you for the long term. When you join you'll have unlimited, lifetime access to all the content and coaching calls. You'll never be alone on this journey!

The MMWA is application only


Why is the program application only?

To ensure you are a good fit for the program and that it is something that will support you on your journey, the program requires an application to be completed and a consultation booked before a space can be offered.

How much does the program cost?

There are various different payment options that will be outlined if your application is approved. It is a 4 figure investment.

Can you guarantee I will lose weight?

I can not guarantee that you will lose weight but what I can promise is if you put the work in, implement the advice given and give it your 100% life will definitely change for you. The results you get will be dependant in you putting the work in.

How much time do I need to dedicate to this?

You will have lifetime access to the program and this includes all the coaching calls. You can go as fast or slow as you want to review the program content depending on your personal circumstances. That being said, time will be needed for you start implementing the different habits and actions.

Will I get a meal plan?

No, you will not be given a meal plan but you will be supported with making changes to your eating habits through guidance, food diary reviews and pointers with making your own meal plan.

Will I have to count calories?

No calorie counting is not a method used in the program.

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